Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Line in the Sand (or in the Parking Lot)

There is a somewhat apocryphal story surrounding the Misión San Antonio de Valero, or more commonly know as the Alamo, in San Antonio, Texas. In 1836 as General Antonio López de Santa Anna's army surrounded the mission filled with nearly 200 Texans who were fighting for their independence. Legend holds that with the possibility of additional help fading, Colonel William B. Travis drew a line on the ground and asked any man willing to stay and fight to step over — all except one did. As the defenders saw it, the Alamo was the key to the defense of Texas, and they were ready to give their lives rather than surrender their position to General Santa Anna. As you may know, the defenders of the Alamo held their position for 13 days before being overrun and defeated by the Mexican Army. Though the battle was lost, it afforded the rest of the Texas Army led by General Sam Houston to move eastward in a war of attrition until they found the best place to make their stand for independence. That place was San Jacinto and the Mexican army, divided by pride and numbers, were defeated and Texas gained its independence.
Today, I was encouraged to see those who believe in a Biblical view of marriage take a stand as well. Granted, their lives were not on the line, but many took a strong stand in support of Dan Cathy's statement of support for a traditional and Biblical view of marriage. I have seen lines wrapped around the corner of the Chick-fil-as in Fayetteville today and many Facebook posts of the same such scenes across the country. Though we as Christ-followers do not need to lead in a war of hatred, bigotry, or slander (that is not how Jesus called us to follow Him!), we are called to "speak the truth in love" (Eph. 4:15) which is a sign of our maturity in Christ. We are to love all people and to share the good news with all, including those who chose to participate in a homosexual lifestyle, but we are to stand for Biblical truth and live lives that are salt and light in the world.

So, hurray for Mr. Cathy, but more importantly, hurray for those who took the challenge to make their voices known through their actions testifying to the truth of God's Word regarding His plan for marriage and His gospel to the world.

In Him,
Pastor Jim

1 comment:

  1. Great Analogy and encouragement to live maturely in love and truth.
