A few weeks ago during a Sunday Evening service I mentioned that I would post a suggested Summer Reading List. On the eve of leaving for South America for 10 days, here it is. My hope is that the offerings on this list will inspire, challenge, encourage, and transform you as you seek after Christ more every day. Enjoy!
Essential Reading:
The Bible (Had to put it on the list. Take this summer to engage/re-engage with God's Word. There are several Bible reading plans on our website at www.fayettevillefbc.org.)
Christian Walk:
"Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby (A now classic book, but one worth revisiting)
"Wrestling with God" by Dr. Jim Denison (A great book for those seeking answers to faith or who
have questions about God.)
"The Power of a Whisper" by Bill Hybels (A wonderful read on hearing the voice of God in your daily
"Follow Me" by David Platt (What does it really mean to be a Disciple? This book challenges us to
consider the real cost of discipleship.)
Anything by Dallas Willard (Dr. Willard passed away this past month. He was an incredible force for
the Gospel and for understanding the concept of discipleship and spiritual formation. Here are some
of his key works.)
"Renovation of the Heart"
"The Great Omission"
"Spirit of the Disciplines"
"The American Civil War: A Military History" by John Keegan
"In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin" by Erik Larson
Christian Leadership:
"The Catalyst Leader" by Brad Lomenick
"The Next Generation Leader" by Andy Stanley
"Courageous Leadership" by Bill Hybels
"Great Days with Great Lives" by Charles R. Swindoll
"Devotions for Sacred Parenting" by Gary Thomas
"Devotions for a Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas
That ought to get you going. I will probably update as the summer progresses. Blessings.
Pastor Jim