Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kid's Camp

"But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”- Matthew 19:14 (ESV)

Tomorrow (Wednesday) morning over 150 children and leaders head north to Camp Pinnacle for Kid's Camp 2012. I am so excited to be apart of this event this year. There is nothing like the energy, fun, and Lifechange that happens at summer camp. 

I think back to the summer of 1986 when I attended a summer camp Brookhaven Christian Camp in Hawkins, Texas. I registered because my parents insisted and was honestly dreading the experience. It turned out to be one of the most incredible weeks of my life. I had so much fun with my friends playing games, swimming, and being in the outdoors. On that Thursday evening of camp, I heard the gospel, responded in faith to the grace of God through Christ, and my life was changed for eternity! The next year at that same camp, I surrendered to full-time Christian ministry. What a difference summer camp made in my life!

My prayer this week is that God will use Kid's Camp 2012 in the same way in some child's life as He did in mine way back in 1986. My prayer is that many of our kids will come to know Christ for the first time and that all of our kids will be better equipped to follow Jesus as they grow in Him this week. 

Please be in prayer for all of our kids, leaders, bible study leaders, speakers, and worship leaders. Pray for me tomorrow (Wednesday) evening as I share the gospel with our campers. Pray for Jim Battles as he leads in the messages the following two evenings. 

Let us as a church be expectant in what God might do in the lives of our kids! Let us as a church be expectant in what God might do every week as we gather for worship on Sundays! Let us as a church be expectant of what God might do in and through us individually and corporately as we FOLLOW Him in obedience every day! 

Blessings. Praying with you!

In Him,
Pastor Jim

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

1,353,069,730 Seconds

That is how long I have been alive according to an online age calculator I discovered this week. More specifically I have been alive 42 years which equates to 514 Months, 2,237 Weeks, 15,661 days, 37,5852 Hours, 22,551,162 Minutes, 1,353,069,730 Seconds, and 1,353,069,730,276 Milliseconds.

Upon discovering this truth, the question that immediately came to mind was, "So, what have I been up to?" As a believer, how have I and am I leveraging my life for the Kingdom of God. How much time have I wasted on trivial, unimportant things rather than "following Jesus" by "abiding in Him" in my everyday, ordinary life. The sobering fact is that I am probably, by all accounts, at least halfway done with this life. So If I only have approximately 514 month/2,237 weeks left, how might I live differently so as to make an eternal impact on those God graciously places in my path? By this I don't only mean sharing the gospel (which is definitely a priority in the "following" lifestyle), but also investing my life in others to for the purpose of their spiritual formation and maturity in Christ. 

Two passages of Scripture come to mind today that might "stir us on toward love and good works". (ok, that makes three!- Hebrews 10:24 ESV)

Paul declares, “So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.”- 1 Thessalonians 2:8 (ESV)

The Psalmist challenges us, "So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom."- Psalm 90:12 (ESV)

May God bless us this week as we strive, by His grace, to put aside the trivial for the eternal, the purposeless for the purposeful, and the unintentional for the intentional.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Jim

Tuesday, May 8, 2012



That is the sound I hear almost daily. Sometimes it comes as the result of instructions to pick up clothes, ipods, shoes, etc.... Sometimes is comes from the entreaty to "hurry up or you will be late for school". Sometimes it comes from an honest (and truthful) evaluation of a problem or dilema facing one of our girls. And sometimes (and I love this one) it comes from a good natured joke or the healthy, loving relationship between mother and daughters.

Regardless of the context, one thing strikes me when I hear that glorious word spoken. We need Mom! Her name is not always spoken with the respect and honor it is due, but just speaking it demonstrates the need none the less. And though moms may get weary of hearing their name spoken over and over day in and day out, I am sure deep down that it serves to validate their call to such a lofty position.

As we move toward Mother's Day this Sunday, let me say to my mom, my wife and mother of our girls, and to all moms everywhere, how thankful we are for you and all you are and do for us. For those who no longer have their moms with them, let me encourage you to think back on her (which I know you will do this weekend) and give thanks for what she has meant (and still means) in your life.

Moms, we know you aren't perfect, and none would claim to be, but with all of our hearts we say thank you and we love you for who you are. May God bless you and may you have a wonderful Mother's Day this year. Blessings.

Pastor Jim